This year 2019 is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Ireland, today let's take a look at the story of a visit by two representatives of China to Ireland in 1986.
Below you can find an RTÉ News report broadcast 12 June 1986. The reporter is Andrew Kelly.
" Ping Ping and Ming Ming arrive at Dublin Zoo after a long journey.
The two giant panda bears are on a one hundred day visit to Dublin from China. Ping Ping and Ming Ming travelled from China to London Heathrow Airport where they then boarded an Aer Lingus flight for Dublin. A team of experts including a vet and a dietitian have travelled with the bears and will look after them during their stay in Dublin.
Ping Ping is male and Ming Ming female and both bears were bred in captivity. Peter Wilson the Director of Dublin Zoo had travelled to China to arrange the visit which is being sponsored by West Coast Cooler. With only 1,000 pandas left in China the chance to see the bears in Dublin is a rare opportunity for the Irish public.
On arrival at Dublin Airport Ping Ping and Ming Ming were escorted to their home for next 100 days at Dublin Zoo."
They arrived on 'a goodwill visit from China'. They stayed for 100 days. Around 350,000 people came to see them.
Check out the video of the visit from RTÉ News report broadcast 12 June 1986 by below link.
愛爾蘭和中國建交40周年以來,兩國文化方面的交流和訪問向來十分友好, 兩國人民通過相互對話,互相學(xué)習(xí),我們會在40故事中,繼續(xù)為您講述屬于兩國的友誼故事。
40 years long, cultural exchanges and visits between Ireland and China have always been very friendly. People from two countries can learn from each other through talks and visits, We will continue to tell you stories of the friendship between the our two countries.
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