在與移民法修正案同時推送的Explanatory memorandum: CP 232(修正案的說明)文件中,對于此次首席代表簽證的移民法修改做了一個歸納,主要改變的分為7個部分,我們逐條來看:
1. An amendment is being made to prevent an overseas business sending a representative to facilitate their entry to the UK when there is no genuine intention for them to establish a branch or subsidiary in the UK
2. Clarification is being added to reflect that overseas businesses must be active and trading and intend to maintain their principal place of business outside the UK;
3. An amendment is being made to reflect that applicants must have the skills, experience, knowledge and authority to represent the overseas business in the UK;
4. Clarification is being added to reflect that applicants must be senior employees and cannot engage in their own business or represent any other business in the UK;
5. An amendment is being made to reflect that the ownership of overseas businesses is not limited to businesses that issue shares;
6. An amendment is being made to prevent majority owners from entering as the dependent spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner of are presentative of their own business. This will prevent owners circumventing the rules intended to prevent them relocating their business to the UK under this route.
7. An amendment is being made to the extension criteria to clarify that the branch or subsidiary must have been established in the UK, and not overseas.
時間:2025-03-14 14:00~16:00
時間:2025-03-15 13:30~15:30
時間:2025-03-18 14:00~16:00
時間:2025-03-26 10:00~17:00